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Unlocking York’s Rich History and City Culture (Form 4 Residential Trip)

The opportunity to unlock York’s rich history and experience the city’s cultural scene offered Form 4 a valuable away from home experience in readiness for longer residential trip in Forms 5 and 6. Read more
Wales 2

Adventurous Learning in Snowdonia (Form 5 Residential Trip)

Last week, Form 5 embarked on an exciting school trip to Snowdonia in Wales, filled with adventure and hands-on learning. The trip was designed to engage the children in various outdoor pursuits, providing them with invaluable immersion in nature. Read more
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Land, Sea and Air Adventure (Form 6 Residential Trip)

At the PGL Little Canada Activity Centre on the Isle of Wight Form 6 enjoyed the excitement and freedom of the outdoors and faced the physical and emotional challenges of a whole range of adventure activities to build their resilience, encourage co-operation and develop independent thinking. Read more