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Form 5's residential Geography field trip to Margam in South Wales

*Tuesday* Form 5 have arrived safely in Margam. They enjoyed a beautiful walk in the sunshine up the the 'Pulpit' at the top of the hill, stopping to enjoy the view. Read more

News from Form 6 in France

*Monday* Today was our first full day and we have packed loads in to it, helped by the fact that the sun shone all day. We had a trip to the walled city of Montrieul sur Mer which is a very French town and a great experience for the children. Read more
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Another successful year on the rugby field

Having competed successfully at the Regionals of the National Schools Rugby Tournament the U11 and U9 Rugby Teams travelled to Epsom for the finals. This year the U9 team included Alice Wilkins who was the only female player at both regional and national levels. Read more
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A production of the Shakespearean play that shall not be named!

Form 5 took National Shakespeare Week literally, rehearsing for exactly one week to perfect their performance of Macbeth. Scripts were handed out on Friday afternoon and, following a week of focused rehearsals during English lessons, the performance took place the following Friday. Read more

Form 5 explore the Victorian era at Blists Hill

Mr Leonard transported Form 5 back to the Victorian era during a trip to Blists Hill so that they could explore this period of history. The children visited a real Victorian schoolroom, where they had the opportunity to dress up and discover how lessons were taught. Read more
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Creative success

Three of our young artists have been invited to exhibit their work at Warwick School. Artwork by Daniel, Avani and Sergio was selected from submissions made by over twenty schools and displayed at Warwick during a week long exhibition. Read more
Hotel room names

St John's Hotel competition results

Eversfield pupils were invited to enter a competition to rename the conference suites at St John's Hotel. Pupils successfully named a total of four suites. Lauren and Lucy suggested The Touchwood, Ranbir proposed The Tolkein, Karan and Cecilia The Rover Suite, and Anya, Hugo and Charlie-Bleu proudly recommended The Eversfield. Read more

Kevin, Eversfield's Catering Manager, is awarded a Shining Star Award!

Accent, our catering providers, have recognised the amazing way that Kevin, Eversfield's Catering Manager, coped with the lack of gas supply towards the end of the Lent Term and have awarded him a Shining Star Award. The following is an excerpt from their in house publication. Read more