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Reunited: Children Embrace School Reopening

While many schools across the region were still finalising their plans for children to return to school, Eversfield Preparatory School was one of the first schools within the region to have responded to the Government’s directive to partially reopen. Read more
3PF The Greek Vase Creative Writing Twitter

The Greek Vase by Sania (3PF): Form 3 Creative Writing

Pupils in Form 3 have been reading an extract from a book called Here Comes Hercules. In this story, a boy called Tim is at home doing the dusting while he waits for his mum to come home from work. Disastrously, he drops and smashes his mum’s priceless Greek vase. Read more
Music Lessons Registration Open Twitter MEET

Meet our Peripatetic Music Team: Registration for Lessons Open

This is the time of year where we normally invite children from From 1 to 5 who would like to sing or play a musical instrument to attend a trial before lessons start in September. We are having to do things a little differently this year. Read more
Sports Day Winners 2020

Sports Day 2020: Camaraderie and Competition in Lockdown

The results have been verified and counted. During a special Sports Day award ceremony Angles were unveiled as winners for Lower School, and Saxons the victors for Upper School.    Sports Day is one of the annual highlights of the Eversfield house system that brings together the whole school community. Read more
Form 3 Creative Writing My Garden by Enzo

Form 3 Creative Writing: My Garden by Enzo (3AH)

Enzo is a talented and enthusiastic gardener so he was thrilled when Mrs Hynes asked Form 3 to take on the creative writing task to author an article about their gardens. Their challenge was to ensure they used expanded noun phrases. Read more
Group hats

Form 6 celebrate exceptional achievement in 11+ entrance examinations

Staff and students were celebrating as this year’s results underline the School’s pedigree for stretching and supporting children to hit the top grades, with 98% of students being offered places at the region’s leading independent and grammar schools. There were some outstanding individual star performances. Read more
Acrostic Poems Form 4 Twitter

A Shared Moment of Celebration: VE Day 75th Anniversary

As the nation pauses to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the children have been studying the pictures and written accounts of the events on 8th May 1945, and the significance of the day. In this selection of acrostic poems Form 4 have captured the mood that swept the country that day. Read more
Delancy UK Schools Success

Celebration of Chess Success

Eversfield’s chess players have been celebrating their recent success in the 2020 Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge. Read more
Congratulations on music exam with ABRSM

Success for Musicians in their ABRSM Exams

With over 140 individual instrument lessons taking place every week, music plays an important role in school life at Eversfield. The children’s enjoyment of playing, and dedication to practising, is evident by the fantastic set of music exam results for Lent term, with 50% of the children achieving Distinction or gaining Merit. Read more
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Grass-roots Initiative Supports Frontline NHS Staff

One local Solihull-based family have launched a grass-roots initiative to support staff on the front line caring for patients infected by COVID-19 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Read more