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The Essence of Learning....Excellent Teachers

As the nation commences a second national lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Yates, Headmaster, reflects on the changing environment of teaching and what really counts when it comes to meeting the challenges of children’s emotional and educational needs. Read more
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House Music 2020: Musical Showcase of Talent

Today we had the privilege of holding a COVID-19 special House Music Competition. It was an afternoon of mixed emotions. We were glad we could stage the competition, but sad that our whole community could not come together to experience the showcase of exceptional talent. Read more
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Everyone Active: Thinking, Creating and Doing

Our co-curricular programme of activities exploded back into action at the start of the term in September. The clubs play a vital role in the holistic education of our children and we encourage everyone to participate. Read more
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Eversfield's Spooktacular

The School Council's fundraising programme for the year is underway. It’s been a SPOOKTACULAR day of learning and fun activities raising funds in support of Carers Trust Solihull.  There has been pumpkin carving, cauldron mixing, slime making, role playing, spooky music making and a fantastic array of imaginative outfits. Read more
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Bucket List Travels: Routes into Language Poster Competition

To ignite intercultural curiosity and extended their language knowledge Form 6 have entered the Routes into Language poster competition run in conjunction with Aston University. They researched a country they would like to visit and uncovered key facts to feature such as language spoken, cuisine, music, landmarks and history. Read more
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A Prayer for Harvest by Form 1 (1RG)

The children in Form 1 (1RG) have been thinking about Harvest Festival this week. They have discussed what it is and the different things people do to celebrate. Read more
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Celebration of European Languages

To help instil a lifelong love of language learning in our children we ran a special programme of activities this week to celebrate The European Day of Languages and the rich diversity of languages throughout Europe. Talking Greek was the focus for Modern Foreign Language lessons across Upper School. Read more
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School Council election winners unveiled

Members of the new School Council have been unveiled. Congratulations to all the children who have been voted onto the committee and will be working hard to put forward the views of all the pupils in their forms. Read more