Royal Albert Hall Children and Famalies

Discover a World of Music from Home

Royal Albert Hall are inviting children and families to discover a world of music from home. There are lots of fun activities and enjoyable ways to make music. Read more
Eversfield Prep School Aidan F5 Hits Top Marks in ABRSM Examination v2

Exceptionally Talented Musician Aidan Joins UK's Musical Elite

A 9-year-old Eversfield Preparatory School pupil has become one of the youngest musicians in the country to achieve an overall result of Distinction for both his Piano and Violin ABRSM Grade 8 examinations. Read more
Eversfield Prep School Form 6 AB Science Dan P How Vaccines Work

How do Vaccines Work?

How do vaccines work? It's a hot topic at the moment with the recent launch of the UK-wide vaccination programme for COVID-19. Read more
five ways to wellbeing

Pastoral care in our changed school environment

We are aware that some pupils will require additional emotional and pastoral support while we endure the continued restrictions the coronavirus emergency thrusts upon us, so making time for pastoral care within the remote learning curriculum remains a priority for us. Read more
e Learning

What's Working Well With Remote Education

OfSTED has produced an informative document outlining good practice with online learning. We are really encouraged to see it promotes the use of mixed methods which we are adopting here at Eversfield for the delivery of our programme to provide the best learning experience for our pupils whilst at home. Read more
Scholarships 2021

7+ Academic Scholarships Postponed

Due to the national closure of schools announced on 4th January 2021 it will not be possible for the 7+ Academic Scholarship examination, for children wishing to join Eversfield in September 2021, to take place as planned on Tuesday 12th January. Read more
e Learning

New Year. New Term. New Online Distance Learning Programme

Welcome to the beginning of another interesting term. It is unfortunate that we are plunged back into the world of online learning, but hopefully this will be the last time we shall have to endure such provision. Read more
DSC 0006

Lucky Dip Christmas Box Tombola

It just wouldn’t be Christmas at Eversfield without the Lucky Dip Christmas Box Tombola.  The children all enjoy decorating and receiving the unique festive gift boxes, all lovingly decorated with care and imagination and encasing a stocking filler gift. Read more