British Science Week montage

Smashing Stereotypes in Science: British Science Week

During British Science Week we celebrated the diverse careers and people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It seemed fitting that as this year’s event coincided with International Women’s Day that we also smashed the myth that a career in science is traditionally thought of as a boys’ discipline. Read more
Peer Mentors abti bullying edit

Skills for Life: Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

We are so proud of our peer mentors who took part this week in training with The Diana Award to become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. Read more
F5 Solar System Report Surina

Exploring Our Cosmic Neighbourhood

Discovery and exploration of our Solar System has been the focus for Form 5 in science lessons this term.   In this special report researched and created by Surina (Form 5GH) she shares news and interesting facts about Earth's "cosmic neighbourhood". Click here to watch   Read more
Art Yr 6 inspired by Salvador Dali 2

Virtual Art Gallery: Exploring Artistic Styles

Studying the work of well-known artists develops children’s visual awareness, deductive, practical and reasoning skills, as well as knowledge, understanding and appreciation of art. Read more

Mastering the Art and Science of Visual Storytelling

Unleashing their creative potential Form 3 have been blending knowledge learned in their English and Computing lessons to create instructional videos. Mastering the capabilities of Adobe Spark they combined motion graphics, audio recording, music, text, and photos to produce short animated, narrated explainer videos. Read more
Easter 40acts Family Wallchart

Spreading Love and Kindness at Easter

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 17th February and people around the world will observe Lent in many different ways. But what is Lent? Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter when we remember Jesus’ time in the desert and the challenges he faced when he was there. Read more
Form 1 Computing Cookery Programme Ruby

Lights, camera, action! Making a TV cookery programme

For their computing lessons Form 1 were tasked with producing their own TV cookery programme. From setting up the studio, directing their cameraman and preparing their script, to confidently presenting their show and editing to get the final cut. Read more
Safer Internet Day toptip all ages

Top Tips for Staying Safe Online

Safer Internet Day 2021 is being celebrated across the school today. The global theme is ‘together for a better internet’ and this year the UK Safer Internet Centre has put the focus on how young people can tell fact from fiction, and work together to create an internet we trust. Read more
F5 Art Self Portraits Trisha

The Art of Self-Portraiture

Drawing enables a child’s imagination to become more active and Form 5 have been exploring the realms of self-expression through the art of self-portraiture. Read more