Feature in Solihull Living May June

What is the Purpose of Education? Feature in Solihull Living

Mr Yates, Headmaster at Eversfield Prep, reflects in this month's edition of Solihull Living (page 12) on how UK schools should become less obsessed with the delivery of knowledge and focus more on the development of a whole person. Read more
Freddie P Tom 100 and SCT 1

Freddie Joins Captain Tom's Fundraising Army and Raises £600

Inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore, Freddie P (age 8), joined the nation’s army of fundraisers and took on the #CaptainTom100 challenge baking and selling cupcakes over the weekend to mark what would have been Captain Tom’s 101st birthday on 30th April. Read more
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Alice's Easel: The Portrait of an Art Scholar

Achieving a scholarship is the beginning of a stimulating journey. Scholars immerse themselves in their subject, not just in lessons but through a wide range of activities provided to stretch and challenge them. Read more
House Match News

Hotly Contested House Match Highlights

After the long enforced absence from team sport, the welcome return of the children to school provided a timely opportunity to get back out on the sports grounds and compete for the Junior and Senior House Cups. Read more
ESA Volunteers Needed

Sign-up to Support the Eversfield School Association

At the *AGM on Wednesday 28th April* (7. 30pm via Zoom) several roles are up for re-election including Chair, Secretary, Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer. Read more
IDEA Award Bronze

Digital Skills Recognised with an Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award

Our first graduates in the Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award programme have been recognised. Many congratulations to Oliver and Eva (Form 6) who have both achieved their Bronze Awards. The industry-recognised Awards are hard earned and help children develop their talents and gain all-important knowledge and information about the digital world.   Read more
08 3324 Eversfield Prep Form 6 Celebrating Success

Results Reveal Exceptional Achievement in 11+ Entrance Examinations

Staff and students are celebrating as this year’s results underline the School’s pedigree for stretching and supporting children to hit the top grades, with 100% of 11+ examination students securing places at the region’s leading independent and grammar schools. There were some outstanding individual star performances. Read more
The Jesus Film

Sharing Jesus at Easter

Easter is always a key part of our Christian calendar and opportunity for sharing with others the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. With many churches remaining closed this year, the charity Agapé UK are releasing a digitally remastered version of Jesus, the 1979 biblical drama movie. Read more
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Business Acumen Development for Young Entrepreneurs

Form 6 have been getting to grips with the nuts and bolts needed to turn their business ideas into a reality. Collaboration was key for the young entrepreneurs as they worked apprentice-style on their café business ventures as part of a Maths multi-skills challenge. Read more