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Mastering Shadow Puppetry

Stickman, the much-loved character from Julia Donaldson, took centre stage with kindergarten and nursery children this morning. They were gripped by the retelling of the wintry tale by a shadow puppeteer before crafting their own puppets and staging their own shadow puppet performance.   Read more
Sports Colours

Sporting Excellence Recognised

Congratulations to the Year 6 children who were awarded School Sports Colours in Headmaster’s end of term assembly today. Colours are earned by only a few talented players each year, ensuring that they are something to be treasured. Read more
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ESA Lucky Dip Christmas Box Tombola

It just wouldn’t be Christmas at Eversfield without the ESA Lucky Dip Christmas Box Tombola. The children all enjoyed visiting the stall which provided a real sense of fun, creativity, and excitement to gift-giving and receiving across the school. Read more
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Jubilant Performance of Angel Express

“Extra! Extra! – Read all about it!” So read the front page of Angel Express which followed the excitement of a choir of heavens angels as they hastily practised a new song for the birth of baby Jesus. Read more
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Christmas Around the World with Form 2

Last night Form 2 took us on a globetrotting tour with their lively and colourful production of Christmas Around the World. Read more

Winners Revealed: ESA Christmas Fayre Poster Competition

The ESA is delighted to announce the winners of its Christmas Fayre Poster Competition. Judging was reported to have been extremely difficult with so many fantastic and creative designs submitted using a range of different mediums. Read more

Kindness is Infectious

Words and acts of kindness have been popping up all around school this week as we joined together to show our support of Anti-Bullying Week. Kindness can change the course of a conversation and break the cycle of bullying. Read more
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Blast Off to Space Camp

Space camp is always most exciting and this year’s expedition to the depths of outer space did not disappoint. The jewels of the autumn night sky eluded the astronomers with Solihull’s night skies shrouded by the cloud cover but the power of technology prevailed. Read more
NO MUSIC Remembrance Day 21

Remembrance Tribute

On the 11th November 1918 the guns fell silent on the western front after over 4 years of fighting. The Armistice brought an end to the First World War where an estimated 20 million people died. Read more
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Quiz Qualifiers : National Science Quiz Championships

Congratulations to our team who have been selected to represent Eversfield in the National Science Quiz Championships later this month. Read more