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Memories of the Kindertransport

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Form 6 have been investigating what it was like to be a young Jew in Nazi Germany. They have been learning about the experiences of those children whose families made the brave choice to send them to safety in the UK, as child refugees on the Kindertransport. Read more
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Performing Arts Student Set to Star in Commonwealth Games 2022

A former pupil of Eversfield Preparatory School, Angel Garvey-Hendrickson, is now on a remarkable journey that will see her shining on stage in the spotlight at Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Read more
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Hands-on Science

To cultivate and nurture the talent of the scientists and engineers of the future, Mrs Sliney has been hosting some hands-on science sessions for some of our youngest children. The children from Reception enjoyed conducting their own experiments and investigating the equipment. Read more
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Fire, Fire, Fetch the Engines

Fire, fire! Fetch the engines! The children in Form 2 have been transported back in time to 1666 to learn about the devastation caused by the Great Fire of London. Read more
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Reuse, Recycle and Raise Funds

You donated and we gathered 324kg of unwanted clothing and textiles for the Bag2School fundraising scheme. Thank you for clearing your cupboards and raising over £129 to support the work of the Eversfield School Association.     Click here to discover more about where the textiles go. Read more
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Future Schools Open Evening

All of the independent senior and grammar schools that we have links with provide a first-class education.   It was our pleasure to welcome 14 of those schools to our Future Schools open evening last night. Read more
Scholarship Awards

7+ Scholarships

This week we welcomed our external candidates who joined a number of our pupils sitting the 7+ scholarship examinations. Being a scholar is a public acknowledgement of a young person’s outstanding ability and is viewed as prestigious within our school community. Read more
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Join our Open Morning 29th January

Starting a new school is a big step. If you know of any families who are considering this next step for their child please do encourage them to join us for our next Open Morning on 29 January between 9. 30am and 12 noon. Read more
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Angels Secure House Hockey

Hockey proved to be very popular during Michaelmas term, with more children than ever choosing to play with enthusiasm and dedication both in lessons and in matches. To award the Senior House Hockey Cup, four matches were played. Read more