Eversfield Prep School Ukraine Appeal collection

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

A huge thank you for the generosity shown by so many individuals within our school community who contributed to our appeal to support the refugees from Ukraine. Especially the parents who have family links with Ukraine for arranging for donations to be collected and distributed through a group based in Birmingham. Read more
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Rhythm of Broadway

The curtains rose as Broadway and the sounds of musical theatre arrived at Eversfield last week.   With over one hundred children plus staff and members of the school community involved, an enthusiastic audience was treated to a variety of numbers old and new. Read more
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Safe Cycling Skills

All this week Year 6 are pedalling their way through Bikeability, the cycling proficiency course. Today they have been practising at school and developing safe cycling habits. They are learning the rules of the road before heading out onto the lanes tomorrow and the rest of this week.   Read more
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A Cracking Competition

There have been some egg-cellent entries to the egg decorating competition! Congratulations to all the children who so imaginatively decorated their eggs and raised over £100 in support of Zoë's Place Baby Hospice Coventry. Read more
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Engaging Opponents

A game-based workshop hosted by Nigel Scarfe, a seasoned gamer with Imagination Gaming, unearthed strengths and talents for decision making, strategic thinking, and problem solving the children in Form 6 didn’t know they possessed. Read more
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Football Escapes ISFA U11 Seven

On a sunny but breezy day 10 Eversfield footballers took part in the ISFA Midland Regionals, at Repton School. This is a tournament for U11 children, which has not run since 2019 due to COVID. Read more
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Mexican Fiesta

We have had an exciting visit from Primary Books this week. The whole school, from Kindergarten to Form 6, has visited the Book Fair and have been involved in storytelling and enjoyed learning about other cultures. Read more
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The Wonderful World of Illustrators

This year marks a whopping 25 years since the UK's first World Book Day! We celebrated with activities across the school that immersed staff and pupils enthusiastically into the wonderful world of book illustration.   In Kindergarten the children have been immersed in the world of David McKee, the writer and illustrator of the Elmer books. Read more
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Love Life Live Lent

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (2nd March) and people around the world will observe Lent in many ways. The children have been invited to take part in the LOVE LIFE LIVE LENT programme. There is an action to do on six days in each week of Lent. Read more