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Musical Talents Recognised by Leading Schools of Music

Music plays an important role in school life at Eversfield and the children’s enjoyment of playing, and dedication to practising, is evident by the fantastic set of music exam results achieved throughout the 2021-2022 academic year. Read more
Thank you Eversfield from RPS

Caring Across the Continent

It’s official. This morning, in a special whole-school assembly, Reshomile Primary School, Diepsloot Township, South Africa was unveiled as our beneficiary school charity for 2022-2023. Read more
HM The Queen cover

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll

We join the nation in deepest sadness at the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll. There are very few people alive today who remember anything other than her influence on our kingdom. Read more
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Eversfield Review 2021 - 2022

During the academic year 2021-2022 we returned to a post-COVID familiar path and normal service was resumed! Events, trips, celebrations and relations were all re-established. The lost years are now behind us and we are back to doing what we do well. Read more
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Join our Open Morning Saturday 15th October

Starting a new school is a big step. If you know of any families who are considering this next step for their child please do encourage them to join us for our next Open Morning on Saturday 15th October between 9. 30am and 12 noon. Read more
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Thanksgiving Service and Awards Ceremony 2022

This year's Thanksgiving Service and Awards Ceremony at Christ Church was a joyous celebration and opportunity to pay tribute to the amount of work, endeavour and commitment to Eversfield that the children have shown throughout the year. Thank you to all the parents and members of the Eversfield family community who joined us. Read more

Going the Distance on Sports Day

As far as the sporting calendar goes, it does not get much bigger than Sports Day. All the children compete in track and field events, with the field events all taking part before the running races that are viewed by spectators. Read more
Josephs Amazing Technicolour Dream Performance Alastair Currill Photography 491

Joseph Wows Audiences

This year Form 6 treated us to Eversfield’s first musical production in three years and what a spectacle it proved to be! The choice of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was ambitious to say the least; with over twenty musical numbers, all of which required line learning, part singing, harmonies and choreography,... Read more

House Swimming Heats Up

MS and US had their house swimming galas over the final few weeks of term. Hotly contested, these galas not only have the prestigious house cup up for grabs, but there are also individual cups for boys and girls from year 1 to year 6. Read more
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Engineering Design Challenge 2022 Winners

As part of their STEM studies Form 6 have participated in an engineering design challenge to design and manufacture a battery-operated car. Read more