Joining the Creative World of Book Publishing

The creative world of book publishing has opened up for Form 2.   Using the publishing tool Book Creator they have authored, illustrated, narrated and edited their own numbers and counting e-books which they had fun sharing with the children in Kindergarten and Nursery to help them get to grips with number language. Read more
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Reception's Polar Expedition

The Reception classrooms have a distinctive wintery feel to them as Miss Wigmore and Miss Chohan start to explore the Artic and Antarctic to expand the children’s understanding of the polar regions. They take a completely immersive approach and it’s virtually impossible to find an individual lesson that doesn’t have a polar twist. Read more
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Join Our Open Morning Saturday 28th January

Starting a new school is a big step. If you know of any families who are considering this next step for their child please do encourage them to join us for our next Open Morning on Saturday 28th January between 9. 30am and 12 noon. Read more
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Panto Season

What a fabulous way for the whole school to end the term. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs starring a dazzling cast of Eversfield staff. Read more
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The Nativity

Lower School entertained the whole school, friends and family with their adorable classic retelling of the nativity story this week. With eight catchy songs, three absolute Christmas classics and all those lines and actions there was a lot for them to remember. What an amazing, confident and polished performance they delivered. Read more

Journey to the Stable

Year 2 had a magical 'Journey to the Stable' at St Alphege Church. They were excited to experience the Christmas story, meeting the Grumpy Innkeeper, Shepherds and Kings and Mary and Joseph to learn about the important events. Read more
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ESA Lucky Dip Box Tombola

The Lucky Dip Christmas Box Tombola at the ESA Christmas Fayre always provides a real sense of fun, creativity and excitement to gift giving. Prizes were awarded today for the best decorated box from each form. Read more
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Super Scientists Battle at National Science Quiz

Two Eversfield Science Quiz teams competed today in the National Science Quiz Inter-school Heats. The quiz was a tense battle with questions beyond the knowledge of the National Curriculum but the children took the challenge in their stride and battled it out. Read more
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'Tis the Season

This week the corridors and classrooms are filled with the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. The choirs are rehearsing carols, musicians are perfecting performances, letters are being written and posted to Santa, trees are being decorated, stages are being set, lines are being learned and costumes are being crafted. Read more