Eversfield Awarded Research Mark Plus Accolade by Chartered College of Teaching

Research Mark Plus is the highest recognition level awarded by the Chartered College of Teaching. It recognises and celebrates schools and trusts who have demonstrated that their engagement with research is embedded and, crucially, that it has been sustained over several years, across their setting or settings.

Organisations are required to demonstrate that their practice fulfils the high levels set out in the Research Mark Plus Standard across key areas, including culture, leadership and staff development. A robust assessment process ensures that schools and trusts exemplify and crystallise their work in this area.

Miss Hayley Murphy, Director of Teaching and Learning, and Mrs Hannah Phillips, Deputy Head, have taken the lead in obtaining the award through their role as Research Champions for the school. They have guided the whole teaching staff body at Eversfield through a professional development programme where all teachers are engaged in school-based research projects. As a result, the staff have increased their professional knowledge and understanding of the latest teaching theory and practice and routinely make decisions underpinned by recent research. Every member of teaching staff engages in a programme of briefing workshops sharing technological and innovation strategies in their area of expertise amongst the staff community. This evidence-informed practice feeds directly into classroom teaching and educational outcomes for its pupils.

Speaking about the research culture across the school, Mr Yates, Headmaster, said: “We invest in professional development management to increase the expertise, knowledge and skills of all staff. We are proud that our work in this area has been recognised at the highest level by the Chartered College of Teaching. We have succeeded in developing a lively and engaged learning community in school which has a very positive impact on the educational outcomes of all our pupils.”