Celebrating Linguistic Diversity

To mark European Day of Languages we have been diving deep into learning many new languages this week and celebrating the linguistic and cultural diversity throughout the school.

Middle School and Reception children held special ‘Show and Tell’ sessions, proudly sharing their unique languages and traditions. The children learned about the different Gurmukhi and Greek alphabets and were fascinated by the books and artefacts shared from home which gave them the opportunity to practise pronouncing new words to them in many languages including Zulu, Italian and Bengali.

During Upper School assembly on Wednesday Mrs Baldwin was impressed by the numbers of children so confidently volunteering to share poems, stories or a few sentences in their native first languages before discussing in lessons why it's important to learn about language and culture. This was followed in lessons by the children planning and performing role plays, demonstrating a scenario when knowing a different language would be useful, or producing posters explaining why language learning is so important.